ICS Cyber Security Assurance Sharing Session

ICS Cyber Security Assurance Sharing Session

  • cyber security ICS, ICS cyber security, ics security

Seeing the Automation Control Engineering from Information Security perspective will give broader understanding on how we can secure Industrial Control System (ICS) in this current time,
It is not just concerning about virus, malware, trojan and external hacker, but it is more beyond that, By ensuring the cyber security on ICS environment, it will also ensuring the performance reliability of the business operations, and help the organization to run the plant safely to achieve its goals,
Please take a look a comprehensive presentation sharing covering the ICS Security Assurance on its highlighted content, with the emphasize of having ICS Cyber Security Management System as one of the critical factor to achieve the security assurance on this field,
ICS Cyber Security Assurance Sharing Session Presentation
Best Regards
Fedco International