PECB Webinar "ICS Security Management System Using ISO 27001 Standard and NIST sP 800-82

PECB Webinar "ICS Security Management System Using ISO 27001 Standard and NIST sP 800-82

  • ics security assurance, iso 27001, nist sp 800-82

Please find the following presentation slides of PECB Webinar presented by Pedro Wirya (IT and ICS Security Consultant at Fedco International) with title “ICS Security Management System using ISO 27001 Standard as the Strategic Management Foundation Integrated with NIST SP 800-82 Auditing Platform”
[shortcode_button type=”default” align=”left” target=”_self” link=”” color=”yellow” bg_color_hover=”grey” icon=”none”]Link to Slide PPT[/shortcode_button]
And for the recorded Webinar session, kindly please find on the following link:
[shortcode_button type=”default” align=”left” target=”_self” link=”” color=”yellow” bg_color_hover=”green” icon=”none”]Recorded Webinar[/shortcode_button]


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