SCADA ICS Security Courses

SCADA ICS Security Courses - From Fundamental into Advanced

Lack of SCADA ICS security professionals that lead to big gaps between compliance against the respected guidelines with the real situation at site, we need more capable professionals to ensure SCADA ICS security assurance across the critical infrastructure industry, to secure the plant and secure the business operations

The Reasons Why

Since the rapid changes to cyber security threat across the critical infrastructure industry especially attacking the Industrial Control System environment, the needs of capable professional that has proper skills and knowledge to manage the whole cyber security assurance within the ICS environment is critical. Despite of the requirement of having more professionals to handle the security in ICS, the fact is there is lack of such professionals available within the industry, most of them is mainly an IT security professional that doesn’t know the essentials of being secure in ICS wolrd. Therefore we come with solution to offer the integrated courses in the ICS security assurance, covering from beginner level into advanced level to help the market regarding the capable professionals in the cyber security of ICS environment. The candidate is prospected to become the leader and implementor of such ICS security assurance within the organization after completing our course series.

Who is SCADA ICS Security Professional?

The cyber security concern in Industrial Control System environment is not just talking about the virus and malware but it is beyond that mindset. The concept of ICS security should be seen as the integrated aspect that consist of several management system that related into it, they are Access Management, Asset Management, Data Management, Emergency Response Management, Network Management and Risk Management.

It is a complex concern that requires someone who can mapping all of the things into sequential order with priority list to become the security solutions against the vulnerabilities and threats. Therefore the proper professional to cover SCADA ICS security assurance should have thorough understanding regarding SCADA ICS security itself, and also he/she should have proper knowledge and skills to ensure the compliance against some respective guidelines (operations, management and technical perspective) in order to ensure SCADA ICS security assurance within his/her organization.

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The SCADA ICS Security Courses

Fundamental – Intermediate – Advanced Courses Selection

Fundamental Courses

The fundamental course covering the most essentials of knowledge that some professional should understand before moving forward to the SCADA ICS security next level. The course in this level is covered by “The Essentials of Indutrial Control System Engineering

Intermediate Courses

The next stage of SCADA ICS security courses series is the Intermediate Level. On this level, we offer our best selling course, titled “ICS Cyber Security Management System” course as the top best selection to start the journey as SCADA ICS security professional with full understanding of the whole concept and application of SCADA ICS security assurance

Advanced Courses

The highest category of the whole SCADA ICS security courses series that we offer to public, the Advanced Courses. On this level we offer specific coverage that going into detail by exploring its philosophy and real case application to strengthen the participant’s understanding regarding the content. Currently available course for this level is “ICS Security Architecture and Network Management” course

The Series Milestone

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Develop the next SCADA ICS Security Professional into its optimum potential capability

Integrated SCADA ICS Security Courses series to provide the customer with full chain of milestone of developing the next SCADA ICS Security professional on its optimum potential way

Enroll Now!

Please contact us at for any further enquiry regarding the SCADA ICS Security Courses. Detail yearly agenda can be found on the next button